SMS can determine what to repair and applies the repair solution that make the most sense for our clients. Additionally, we can set-up remanufacture lines using only new components and accessories.
SMS repairs Mother Boards and other high value components for reuse in the same unit or to use as replacements.
We implement parts harvesting solutions to ensure that refurbished components are utilized where our customers get the most value for the asset.
SMS applies innovation and proven methodologies to return the device to the optimal physical condition while using efficient cosmetic refurbishment processes.
SMS tests and refurbishes accessories that go with your device to reduce the cost of service and avoid unnecessary purchases.
Teardown & Recycling of Plastics, Metals & Batteries. R2 & RIOS Certifications.
Component Assessment, data wiping, monitoring and reporting per customer requirement.
Physical destruction safeguards & process monitored and controlled. COD per customer requirement.
SMS can help minimize your customer’s downtime on their device fleet by planning spares, reutilizing retired assets, supplying and repairing hard to find critical parts, and providing technical support and preventive maintenance.
We help our clients reach the carbon reduction objectives, by collaboratively creating solutions where traditional end of life material, is processed to be reutilized in the manufacturing of a new product or device.